The big day was on 21st December. I couldn’t sleep the night before because of excitement. On 21st started the preparation – you know – make up, hairstyle, the whole rah-rah thing. I went an hour and a half earlier because I needed to meet the DJ which was a mistake of mine to delay it but it doesn’t matter. When I went at the college the catering was prepared, the DJ was organizing his stuff, the list with the guests was there and everything was perfect. There were many helium balloons and Christmas trees in the auditorium, which were filling it and making it beautiful. The other presenter and I made repetition and here the nervous mood came. We were both excited and scared, you know the times when you feel the butterflies in your stomach. But there was no time for this – the guests were coming! “Oh, my God!” – This was the only thing in my head but the panic slipped away after a while. When the performance had to start and I took the microphone I was calm and shiny. There were dances and games so I think the auditory had fun. The only problem was when we needed four couples for a dance competition and there were not enough volunteers probably they were shy. The first thing I came up with was to go in the crowd, to catch some guys and to push them to the scene, so we had couples.
I have to confess that to organize such a thing is very hard because you need to know the wishes of everybody and to combine the things in the most suitable way so that everybody would like it. I really am glad from the result. Every year the ball is expected to be better than the previous and it was. I’m not saying that the previous balls weren’t good – they were, but we learn from their mistakes and try to improve everything.
My writing is getting boring so I’ll just say – it really was a Christmas dream! J
And the favourite song from the ball: