Visiting of the local resident home for old people
On 20th December some students from the college and me went to the local resident home for old people. We wanted to wish them happy holidays and to give them smiles. We bought them clocks for Christmas so they can watch on time their favourite films. There was a short performance where a girl played on violin some Christmas songs for them and two other students told a Christmas story. I love going to the home because every time we go there we see how happy we make the old people. I told you once that these people really know how to have fun and again this time two of the women sang for us. Everything was great but after the performance we had to put clocks in the room where live people that are sick and can’t walk which was very depressing and how could not?! I don’t want to talk about it, everybody knows what it is like. The only good thing is that the young people at the home really take care for the old people and give their best to make their life better…