Eastern workshop
The Open doors day was on 22nd March. On this day people from other schools can visit our school. The students are separated in groups and make presentations or experiments on different subjects and the most interesting things are done in the chemistry laboratory of course.
My group and I opened an Eastern workshop where we painted eggs made from wood. My egg was the only one in red. =)
It was time for getting dirty with dye and talking about the Faberge Eggs. We had a great fun and formed a little competition for our creations. Nobody won of course because every one of us claimed her egg is the best. We took many pictures and laugh a lot. At one p.m. we found out we are running out of time. It was lunch time and then the preparation for the Street Parade was on.
Something about the Faberge Eggs:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M67LPSU_vdkA link from our site: