Street Parade 2011
It is the event of the month. My day was moving very fast and I had no time for rest. After the smudging with dye at the school Eastern Workshop where we painted eggs in the morning, we went to the Luna Park but we couldn’t stay for a long. There was flash mob at the center of the city. It was an appeal to all people to stop for a minute and to think about nature. The volunteers were about 200. Two of my friends and I took place as making a construction of falling bottle (I will attach some pictures). It was a new and very strange feeling. People were stopping to see us and the other participants. It had an effect definitely. There were reporters and the media, many people were taking pictures. I really do hope this to benefit because nowadays nobody cares about the environment and throws their garbage on the streets.
After this we put on the blue sacks (I told you about them) and started to give the pieces of paper with the thoughts. First I thought it would be awkward and stupid and one of the reasons was the stupid shirt we had to wear but after the flash mob and the whole day I felt perfect. I was smiling to everyone and getting the same in return. People actually enjoyed it. I was watching their reaction – they were serious when they took the sticker but than after reading it a smile always appeared on their face. There was no way to feel better. The emotion was wonderful. After an hour the bus with the DJ (Sandy Rivera) and the tail of thousands of people came and we joined it. It reached one historical object of Tarnovo where the fireworks were lit. We also let many paper lanterns to burn in the sky. The view was beautiful.
22nd March was an amazing day. This kind of experience shouldn’t be cut from the schedule!
More about flash mob: